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Online and In Home Curriculum

Did you know that computer support specialist jobs are expected to increase 17% in the coming years?¹ Develop your skills with  Custom Computers personal PC and Computer tutoring sessions , and take the first step towards your IT career goals.
Your lessons include information on PC repair, computer applications, PC operating systems, PC hardware, network protocols and internetworking, Internet security, database technology, and even help you prepare for the CompTIA A+ certification exam.

Installing, troubleshooting, and operating software and hardware
Performing maintenance tasks on computers and networks
Working with Internet applications and security
Programming in CGI/Perl and Java™ and advanced database technology.

We help students learn how to install and troubleshoot personal computers and related equipment, perform maintenance on computers and networks, and more. Here are a few qualities that competent computer maintenance technicians have in common:
Analytical: You use logic and careful analysis to solve a problem.
Problem solving: Finding the missing piece can be challenging and rewarding.
Detail oriented: It’s important to have a sharp eye and check things twice.
Persistent: Obstacles are part of the job and not a reason to become frustrated.

sample lesson, click download.
Prices for private classes start at $55 an hour. Call today for more info.